Wednesday 1 April 2020

10 Different Types Of Logos | 01. Lettermarks Or Monogram Logos


    As the name suggests, these are the logos which consist of the brand’s name. Look at HBO, CNN, IBM, NASA, and HP names, do you find anything common? They stand for a famous company’s name. 
The names are in their initial forms rather the long full forms. The companies showed their name within two or three words instead of going for the whole.

And guess what? They all are the brands’ people hardly forget about! Each of these brands has used their initials as a logo instead of going for a fancy image.
 As they are easy for identification, it makes sense why they opted for monogram logos. It’s also known as lettermark logos.  
 It’s a typography-based logo design which uses a few letters. This type of logo is all about minimalism. Lettermark logos are perfect at streamlining any brand that has a longer than usual name. 
For example, it’s easy to remember HBO than its full name Home Box Office or NASA at the place of National Aeronautics and Space. Isn’t it?

As the focus is shifted on the initials of the brands, make sure you choose the right fonts. If needed, you can create custom typeface such logotypes. 
Don’t worry if you are new in the market. You can add the full name of your business right at the bottom of the logo for branding.

As logotypes are easy to create, you can take the help of a logo maker. In case you don’t want to spend a lot, it’s the best way to go.


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04. Abstract Logos

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