Wednesday 1 April 2020

04. Abstract Logos


     These types of logos have pictures, but they avoid literal representation. You can use any abstract geometric forms to symbolize your business. Some of the best examples of these types of logo
 designs are Nike swoosh, Adidas flower, the divided circle of Pepsi, and so forth.
Like every logo design, the abstract logo works well as it confines your business into a single pictorial representation. Instead of being limited to a single mage, abstract logos help
 you create a custom image to represent your business.
The best thing about this logo design is that you can convey your brand’s purpose symbolically. You don’t need to rely on the cultural proposition of an image. With the help of color and
other elements, you can give it a specific meaning that revolves around your brand. Nike’s swoosh is just like that which symbolizes freedom and movement.

03. Logo Symbols


Of different types of logos, logo symbols are quite famous. It’s a graphic or icon-based logo. When you think such kinds of logos, some names that come to your mind are
Twitter, Apple, Target, and more. Each of these brands has an emblematic logo, which is easily identifiable.
When you decide to go with a logo symbol, the most challenging part is to choose an image. The mark that you pick for your business will go with its existence. But before you pick one, consider
its implications first. Do you want to showcase a more profound meaning with it? Are you using a symbol to evoke emotions? Think broader consequences of the logo symbol and you will find
something worth matching with your business.

02. Logotypes Or Wordmarks


A wordmark logo looks exactly like a lettermark. However, it is slightly different than the later one. This type of logo doesn’t focus on the initials but the complete name of a brand.
Many big brands have embraced the idea of logotypes, for example— CocaCola, Pepsi, Google, FedEX, Disney, and more.
A wordmark logo works well when a brand has a unique, easy, and attractive name. The name, when combined with memorable typography, creates a unique brand identity.
Since the spotlight will be on your name, you need to pick a typeface that captures the essence of your brand. If your business is related to federal agencies, go with traditional font.
 However, if it’s in the fashion domain, go for stylish, high-end fonts.


10 Different Types Of Logos | 01. Lettermarks Or Monogram Logos


    As the name suggests, these are the logos which consist of the brand’s name. Look at HBO, CNN, IBM, NASA, and HP names, do you find anything common? They stand for a famous company’s name. 
The names are in their initial forms rather the long full forms. The companies showed their name within two or three words instead of going for the whole.

And guess what? They all are the brands’ people hardly forget about! Each of these brands has used their initials as a logo instead of going for a fancy image.
 As they are easy for identification, it makes sense why they opted for monogram logos. It’s also known as lettermark logos.  
 It’s a typography-based logo design which uses a few letters. This type of logo is all about minimalism. Lettermark logos are perfect at streamlining any brand that has a longer than usual name. 
For example, it’s easy to remember HBO than its full name Home Box Office or NASA at the place of National Aeronautics and Space. Isn’t it?

As the focus is shifted on the initials of the brands, make sure you choose the right fonts. If needed, you can create custom typeface such logotypes. 
Don’t worry if you are new in the market. You can add the full name of your business right at the bottom of the logo for branding.

As logotypes are easy to create, you can take the help of a logo maker. In case you don’t want to spend a lot, it’s the best way to go.


Monday 30 March 2020

What is Logo & How Many Types of Logo

                    LOGO INTRODUCTION

From your fridge to your car, you see different types of logos everywhere. When you see them, you think that they are merely a symbol. But that’s not the case. Logos are more complex and meaningful than you may realize. We have created a list of 10 types of logos. Each type has a special significance. Let’s know about them one-by-one.A logo is your identity signifying your business. There are 10 types of logos that you can use for your brand.Though there are different types of logos, each one of them is a combination of an image and typography. Every brandmark you see around you has a different look and feel. Since your brand image is the first thing a customer will encounter, you don’t want it to ruin for the first impression, do you? To lend you a hand, we have picked a list of ten types of logos you should know about.But before we go exploring each one of them, let’s remember LeBron James’ quote on logos — “There are some teams and logos you see, no matter where you are in the world, and you know exactly who they are and what they mean.”                    

Sunday 29 March 2020

Mian Advertising & Printing Agency

Mian Advertising & Printing Agency

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04. Abstract Logos

                                      These types of logos have pictures, but they avoid literal representation. You can use any abstract...